Industrial (electricity generation) and commercial building
Year of build:
Original name:
The building was not built according to architectural codified canons
Past and Present Ownership of the Building/Site:
Past ownership: pubblic ownership (S.I.P.); Present ownership: private ownership (TELECOM Italia spa)
Architectural Description
The building has a rectangular plan and stands for three floors (ground floor, first and second floor). The vertical supporting structure is in exposed reinforced concrete with finishes in civil plaster and exposed brick strips. It’s partially used as a power plant.
History and Historical Context
The request for construction of the building was submitted to the Municipality of Cesenatico by the then S.I.P. The permit for the construction of the building was issued by the Municipality of Cesenatico in May 1970 (LE n.170/1970 with variant in course of work in 1981). Construction work began in August 1970 and the end of work was announced in June 1981. The engineers who designed the building are: Eng. Morelli Gianni of the technical office of the headquarters S.I.P. of Bologna, and Eng. Carlo Strocchi.. The company that built the building was the “Cooperativa muratori ed affini” of Cervia.
Values of the Building
The building has no significant architectural value, but the property has marked the Italian history of telephony and telecommunications because the S.I.P. was the main Italian telecommunications company and belonged to the I.R.I. group (Institute for Industrial Reconstruction), a public istitute with industrial policy functions established during the fascist period.
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